Mr Nasty
Here is a good example of the absolute condescending contempt shown for Paul Ryan by Joe Biden in the vice-presidential debate of 2012.
2012 Biden and Ryan Debate on PBS, courtesy Youtube(R)
To Paul Ryan's credit he was ganged up on by the ABC News "moderator" Martha Raddatz which was not really moderator at all but an enabler and ally of Joe Biden to do their best to make Paul Ryan look like a fool.
On the other hand I saw Paul Ryan acting respectfully to Joe Biden by listening and not interrupting. Ryan tried to communicate his ideas while Joe Biden repeatedly interrupted, grinned, smirked caused distractions from Ryan and showed utter contempt for Ryan before a national audience.
I watched this so-called debate in it's entirety the time it occurred. I was shocked at how badly Paul Ryan was treated. Raddatz was a key player in this nasty event.
Some people say Ryan got his ass kicked.
I say Joe Biden showed how much of Mr. Nasty he could be.
Did people really vote for this kind of man in 2020 knowing that if they differed in opinion from him he would only show contempt?
So lets forward to early 2024. It is clear to me Joe Biden is still Mr. Nasty. He now shows contempt for everybody.