Giving Wings to your Dreams since 1955
Giving Wings to your Dreams since 1955


Consider a Discovery Flight


If you have realistic interest in flight training and leads to a Private Pilot Certificate it makes good sense to take a Discovery Flight.


The FAA Rules concerning Discovery Flights are strict.


By FAA Definition a Discovery Flight is:


(1) A one-time experience not to be repeated to help you make a decision whether or not to commit to a significant amount of on-going personal effort and expense involved in earning a Private Pilot Certificate and remaining proficient which is critical to flight safety.


By local buisiness policy, CEFS will only conduct a Discovery Flights that remain within a 25 statue mile radius of the airport or origin and with individuals who are 12 years and older.


By FAA Definition a Discovery Flight cannot be:


(1) A birthday gift or flight experience with no intention of realistic immediate follow-on flight training.

(2) An Commercial Air Tour or Sight-Seeing flight in any sense of the word because of the complexity and additional certifications and cost required to legally conduct these operations (i.e. pilot drug testing, additional aircraft inspections and records etc.)

(3) Something marketed by Groupon or similar. CEFS accepts no outside bookings from any organization.

(4) To check off a "bucket list" item of life experiences.


Proposed flights that do not meet the criteria of a Discovery Flight are conducted under Part 91 as a shared expense. The pilot may/may not be a certified commercial pilot. This decision is up to the Owner/Operator of CEFS to determine if those flights will proceed.


Continuing -


Provided the FAA requirements for a Discovery Flight are met, the Discovery Flight session lasts one hour with a CEFS Certified Flight Instructor.


The first 15 minutes are utilized with familiarizing you with the aircraft, answering questions and discussing flight safety. The latter 45 minutes are the flight experience.


You learn about the basic aspects of becoming an airplane pilot, the aircraft systems and capabilities, conduct a pre-flight inspection of the aircraft and then participate in a sortie sitting in the left front seat with a qualified Flight Instructor in the front right seat who remains Pilot-in-Command at all times.


Under the Flight Instructor's supervision you will take the controls in flight and command the airplane, but not in precision manouvers such as startup, taxi, takeoff and landings.


CEFS uses the Cessna 172 series of aircraft for Discovery Flights. These are four-seat aircraft. You may bring passenger(s) as long as weight and balance criteria are safety met for each respective aircraft. The price is the same even with passenger(s).


When a parent or friend goes along for the ride there is often a better experience to discuss and understand the challenge of becoming a pilot.


CEFS has three Cessna 172 aircraft available for Discovery Flights:


  • 1982 Cessna 172P (KSFQ - Suffolk VA)
  • 1973 Cessna 172M (KSFQ - Suffolk VA)
  • 1998 Cessna 172R (KPHF - Newport News VA)


Our Discovery Flights are offered at $200. Please remember to bring a camera and enjoy your memories!


The bottom line is to have fun, learn something about yourself and have a flight experience necessary to determine if a commitment to flight training is for you.


Remember, becoming and remaining a safe, skilled pilot is a significant on-going commitment.


It becomes a lifestyle and requires on-going proficiency training and unquestionably exceeds the casual commitment of a hobby.


Please note Discovery Flights are conducted only by appointment.

Curtis Eads Flight School
1200 Gene Bolton Dr.

Hangar #6

Suffolk Executive Airport (KSFQ)

Suffolk, VA 23434

Phone: (757) 465-1692



Business Hours

24 Hours.

Our office number is a cell. We respond to text messaging as well during reasonable hours


Please leave a message if necessary.


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