Rental and Training Requirements
Before you are permitted to receive flight training and/or solo endorsement to rent our aircraft you must provide proof of, and conform to the following:
For existing rated pilots, to rent aircraft at CEFS you must be, have, or provide:
- You must be a US Citizen, born or naturalized.
- You must present your current flight logbook.
- A copy of your Drivers License.
- A copy of your Pilots License.
- A copy of your current Medical Certificate.
- A copy of your last Flight Review endorsement.
- A signed CEFS Aircraft Rental Agreement indicating a full understanding and adherence to CEFS policy.
- Demonstrated by oral exam you have read the respective aircraft's POH and supplements.
- A completed aircraft knowledge test for each repective aircraft.
- An Aircraft Flight Check-out signed by one of our CFIs.
- No concerns to CEFS of any kind that one's current or future ability to safely operate the respective aircraft is in question.
- Your flight proficiency demonstration may, at the descretion of the CEFS CFI require multiple flights.
For incoming Student Pilots to begin/resume training you must be, have or provide:
- You must be a US Citizen, born or naturalized.
- You must present you current logbook if one is already started.
- A copy of your Drivers License.
- A copy of your Student Pilot License.
- A copy of your current Medical Certificate.
- A copy of your Birth Certificate or Passport.
- A signed CEFS Aircraft Rental Agreement indicating a full understanding and adherence to CEFS policy.
- Demonstrated by oral exam you have read the respective aircraft's POH and supplements.
Customer Evaluation:
- CEFS reserves the right to continually evaluate your current and/or future ability to safely operate the respective aircraft.
- CEFS reserves the right to request your vehicle driver's record at your expense from the state of your domicile.
- CEFS reserves the right at any time to investigate any history of resolved or unresolved safety issues or disputes of any kind with CEFS, other vendors or public officials.
- Both You and CEFS must continually observe in You:
- An on-going personal conformance to the IMSAFE critieria, meaning no significant imparing effects of:
Our Performance and Safety Standards are Stringent:
- We continually observe our client's current physical condition, attention to flight planning and safety, skill and performance level as a pilot in the respective aircraft CEFS provides.
- If the Owner/Operator of CEFS or a CEFS CFI has concern(s) of any kind at any time (including lack of progression) you will be counseled on what and how to improve. If unsatisfactory improvement continues then you will not be cleared to fly solo. Rental/training/evaluation will cease.
- Experience matters but recoginze flying skill diminishes with inactivity. Proficiency flights are required to keep one's skills.
- CEFS has a variety of aircraft. No two aircraft models are equipped the same and performance numbers cannot be confused. Every aircraft is unique. You are required to read the POH of the respective aircraft before familiarization operations.
Conditions of Business with CEFS
- The Owner/Operator of CEFS or a CEFS CFI reserves the right at any time to permanently require you to fly dual with a qualified pilot (qualified by CEFS) who is current and prepared to assume full Pilot-in-Command duties in the same aircraft.
Walk Aways.... (these situations have already happened)
- If you misrepresent your experience or credentials your business will CEFS will be terminated immedately. Walk away.
- If you fail to produce all of your pilot credentials or give some excuse your documentation is lost or unavailable we will not do business with you - Walk away.
- If you have not paid for services provided by other vendors your business with CEFS will be terminated immediately. Walk away.
- If you approach us and say something like "Hey, I need to rent your aircraft right away. I have somewhere I need to be right now" you will be refused. We have a process and you will not bypass our business or safety procedures. Walk away.
- If your pilot credentials have been revoked by the FAA or you have operated an aircraft as Pilot-in-Command without valid or with expired credentials at any time we are not interested in doing business with you. Walk away.
- If you have damaged/wrecked an aircraft and it is determined by the investigating authority to have been your fault, we are not interested in doing business with you. Walk away.
- If you have failed health or flight checks elsewhere and are shopping for a "agreeable" flight school then CEFS is not your solution. Walk away.
- If you approach us and say something like "I do not want to waste time learning about that" then your business will be refused. Walk away.
- If you or your family has the romantic notion that you will "die doing what you love" in one of our aircraft then you show an unacceptable attitude of bravado and resignation. Walk away.
- If we observe you to have or demonstrate an adverse attitude toward the FAA, CEFS or Airport rules and procedures in any and all locations then your business with us will cease. Walk away.
- If you or a family member makes any statement or threat toward CEFS with something like "nothing better happen to them/me" then understand an adverserial relationship already exists with CEFS and litigation is assured in an incident. All rental and training will cease and our business is concluded effective immediately. Walk away.
- If you are associated with, possess, or are participating in illegal drug activity and/or the abuse of legal drugs (alcohol is a legal drug) then your business with us will cease. Walk away.
- Regardless of the 1-Jul-2021 law signed by former VA Governor Ralph Northam that makes possession of marijuanna legal, your possession, ingestion of marijuanna/THC or use of CBD products is cause for your business with CEFS to cease.
Recognize CEFS aircraft are used to train drug sniffing dogs and law enforcement personnel using chemical wipes to detect drugs or explosives.
- If you use CEFS aircraft to violate or circumvent any laws of these United States then our business with you is concluded. If the respective aircraft is seized by authorities then you will be subject to the replacement cost of the aircraft, it's recovery and/or punitive damages for loss of business in Civil Court.
- If you have/display the attitude that you do all the talking and we do all the listening then our business with you is concluded. Walk away.
- If you decide our training is inadequate and seek alternative sources of information that are not CEFS endorsed then our business is concluded. Youtube(s) commenters (unless we specifically approve) are not an insurable way to learn to fly. Walk away.
- If your main interest in flying is joy-riding and/or self-promotion as an "influencer" via social media or bragging to your friends or padding your resume then your reasons for participating in aviation are not sound. We will not do business with you. Walk away.
- If your interest in business in CEFS is to leverage your knowledge of flying into enabling you to violate US law and/or bring harm in any way to the public or yourself then Walk Away Now before we proactively report you to authorities.
When Problems Occur:
- CEFS reserves the right to pursue and/or volunteer factual information to any other vendor or authority for the purpose of identifying pilots, other vendors, passengers or associates who are reckless and pose a threat to our business, other businesses, themselves or the Public.
- CEFS will not cover for bad actors by silence.
In the Broadest Sense:
- If the Owner/Operator of CEFS determines that any of your actions past or current are an unacceptable liability to our operation then your business with us will cease. We reserve the right to terminate business with any customer at any time with or without explanation.
The Bottom Line:
- We do not compromise flight safety or unnecessary risks to our business or the Public. You will train in and operate our aircraft in the manner in which the manufacturer has defined in the POH and how we instruct accordingly. All laws in every jurisdiction will be respected. There are no exceptions including myself, the business owner.
Now, to end on a positive note lets (all) do it right, all the time.